Speech Pathology / Speech Therapy

Speech Pathologists (previously known as Speech Therapists) are trained to diagnose and treat difficulties with all areas of communication and swallowing.

Carmel Moore (B.App.Sc.Sp.Path, C.P.S.P., MSPA) is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist who offers Speech Pathology (speech therapy) for adults.

She also works with voice disorders/ vocal difficulties in children and adolescents. Carmel does not treat speech, language, reading, writing, or learning difficulties in children and adolescents.

Carmel provides therapy support for NDIS clients, DVA, My Aged Care and private clients.

What can speech therapy help you with?


  • Your voice lacks the flexibility, stamina, or resonance you want.
  • Your voice sounds hoarse/ husky/ croaky, weak, or fatigues easily.
  • It is not easy to project your voice, or it gets husky or feels strained when you use it loudly
  • Aspects of your speaking or singing voice have changed, for example: pitch range, control, tone, ease, stamina, volume, ability to project.
  • You use your voice professionally and want to improve your vocal presence, range, and flexibility for maximum effect.
  • Your voice/speech doesn’t sound clear or pleasant to you or others.
  • You are self-conscious about the way you speak or how you sound.

Voice and ‘Self’
Some people may simply be dissatisfied with the way they sound.
Many people spend significant time and money improving how they look, but are not aware how much the sound and tone of their voice impacts the impression they make on others….. let alone how to improve this

Voice therapy helps change the way you use breathing and specific muscles for voice production. During therapy you may develop awareness of how this may relate to stress, self-confidence, upbringing, and communication styles adopted.

Psychological inquiry is often integral when working with the voice. Discoveries about habitual ways of being in the world or relating to others are often made when exploring vocal techniques and consequently you may find yourself changing patterns in your communication.

Some of these patterns may have been life-long and many people report wide ranging benefits from learning to breathe well and use their voice efficiently.

The use of ‘Voice Dialogue’ alongside traditional voice therapy methods can bring awareness to the reasons for habitual vocal patterns. Voice Dialogue is a counselilng modality (similar to ‘parts work’ used in Internal Family Systems). This enquiry may help identify ways of being that restrict freedom of breathing or create excessive muscular tension (e.g. in the throat, jaw or tongue) that impacts voice production. Examples include; perfectionism, self-criticism, not standing one’s ground, or over-giving to others whilst neglecting one’s self.


  • You have difficulty swallowing, or have often experienced drinks ‘go the wrong way’ or nearly choked on food.

Speech & Language Impairment:

  • You’ve had a stroke and communication is now more difficult.
  • You have difficulty finding words/ recalling names and this is new or has suddenly gotten a lot worse. There is a wide range of causes for ‘word retrieval difficulties’.
  • You have a progressive neurological disorder (e.g. ALS / MND, Parkinsons Disease) that affects your speech clarity.
  • Others can’t easily understand what you say.
  • You have difficulty understanding what others say, particularly if they speak quickly or give a lot of information.
  • Parkinson’s Disease. Approximately 70% of people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) develop difficulty with speech or voice. The first sign can be a change in vocal quality such as breathiness, huskiness, hoarseness, or reduced volume. Some people wait until their speech is difficult to understand before seeking speech therapy, however, early intervention is highly recommended. In the early stages of PD you will be more easily able to learn how to adapt the way you speak, practice particular exercises and reduce some of the potential problems with lack of speech clarity or low volume. It is often communication partners who notice the changes in speech clarity (mumbling) or lower volume and may frequently request repeats. The person with Parkinsons’ Disease may be unaware that their speech sounds any different to the outsider, as they can hear themselves and use same amount of effort they have always done when speaking. In addition to specific exercises, therapy can involve ‘recalibration’ regarding the level of effort and intentionality they need to make voice and speech sound as it did before the onset of Parkinsons’ Disease.

Speech & Language
Difficulty with speech (articulation, the formation of clear sounds),

or language (difficulties finding words or understanding speech, reading or writing),

often has a neurological cause in adults.

Carmel has 38 years experience working in this field. She has extensive experience working with people following stroke, which is the most common cause of these difficulties. She also has experience working with people with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)

Stroke or PPA can lead to:

  • Dysphasia: impaired language abilities e.g. retrieving names,
  • Dyspraxia; difficulty programming movements for speech
  • Dysarthria: slurred or indistinct speech.

Counseling is an important part of speech therapy.

Communication is essential not only for practical aspects of our lives but for the expression of a healthy sense of ourselves. Any difficulty impacting communication is likely to affect us psychologically.
With 39 years experience, and additional training in voice dialogue counselilng, Carmel has refined her counselling skills to thoroughly explore and assist you to maximise your strengths and minimise how your communication difficulties impact your life.

Carmel is a trauma-sensitive clinician and understands the impact of major and mini ‘traumas’ on many aspects of communication, including the distress and frustration of not being able to communicate easily.

Your GP may be able to provide you with a Care Plan which entitles you to a rebate of up to $70 on 5 sessions per calendar year.

Health fund rebates apply.