Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need speech therapy?
If you experience hoaresness or huskiness.
If you have a chronic cough that has been thoroughly investigated, or PVFM/ VCD speech therapy may be able to assist.
If you have difficulty swallowing
If you have difficulty with speech or language.

What happens in a voice therapy session?
We use various vocal exercises such as SOVT exercises and a range of methods to change patterns of how the voice is used. Therapy aims may include improving breath support, learning to release constriction or excess muscle tension in the throat, and improving the focus of resonance.

How does therapy for speech clarity work?
Therapy may work directly on the problem (e.g. improving muscle strength through exercises) or compensatory strategies (such as improving your ability to be aware of using more precision in articulation, using a ‘calling out’ voice in Parkinson’s Disease)

How is an assessment made?
Carmel uses a range of assessment tools to develop a thorough understanding of all the factors contributing to the difficulty, in addition to assessing strengths and resources that may be useful in the overall treatment plan.

How many sessions of speech therapy will I need?
Some people may attend a single session, however most attend a minimum of 3 – 4 sessions. Substantial changes may be achieved after the initial session and further sessions will refine, develop and stabilize practice and transfer of new skills, or address other areas of communication in more detail. In more complex cases you may need ongoing speech therapy which can be programmed to suit your needs.

How frequently will I attend?
Attendance may be best weekly in the beginning to ensure new skills are optimally learnt, however as skills are mastered, and you start to apply them more effectively in everyday life, sessions can become less frequent (fortnightly or monthly) . Therapy will almost always involve home practise, and together we optimize the timing of session so that you can advance as much as you can on your own prior to the next session.

Should my partner attend with me?
It is often useful to have a partner attend if your communication is impacting on your life or relationship. It can also be helpful to have someone else learn what you will practise at home and many people progress more quickly if they can together work out ways to have fun with the exercises.
Communication is a two-way process and communication partners are often involved in applying and reinforcing strategies.

Am I eligible for any rebates?
Health fund rebates apply.

Your GP may be able to provide you with a Care Plan which entitles you to a $70 rebate on up to 5 sessions in a year.